第一章,研究它是如何工作的(p。13-15 Spiritual Infusion) Here is a simple study approach to use. I learned it when attending an Inductive Bible Study course. It involves three basic skills: observation, interpretation, and application. (1) Observation answers the question: What does the ... 视图:2210年
“在希望中欢乐,在苦难和忠实的祈祷。”Romans 12:12 "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." You become what you think about most of the time. And the most important part of each day is what you ... 视图:2927年
“我的配偶去恢复。现在他们告诉我,他需要额外的咨询。那是什么?”"Recovery" and "treatment" are not the same thing. Inpatient treatment, detox, or outpatient treatment, in and of itself, is not "recovery". Recovery is generally a return ... 视图:2617年