

Sri Aurobindo写道:“…猜测的结果表现的新supramental原则earth-consciousness组织本身有头脑,生命和物质已经组织自己——这就是——有点危险的和不成熟的,因为我们必须做它用心灵和心灵没有能力预测上述行动的本身,就像只动物或重要的对事物的感知能力不可能预测什么会的运作思想和颏竞赛的人。场是一个不同的顺序的意识远离精神——事实上有几个等级的人类思维和supramental之间更高的意识。如果地球没有进化,但一个典型的世界,那么一个可以预测的一种更高的意识会吞并或废除现有的类型。无知会和无知的创建通过转化或消失湮灭和替换。人类的精神王国将变成supramental;至关重要的和近似人类的,如果存在典型的世界中,也会发生改变,变得supramental。但是,地球是一个进化的世界,supramental血统不可能有这样的毁灭性的完整性。它只会建立一个新的意识和新秩序的原则,人的意识和新原则将发展自己的形式和权力的陆地。甚至整个人类王国不需要和不会改变整个supramental程度。但同时supramental创造地球上的开始必然有一个强大的影响其他陆地的存在。 Its first effect on mankind would be to open a way between the order of the Truth-light and the orders of the Ignorance here on earth itself, a sort of realised gradation by which it would be possible for mental man to evolve more easily and surely from the Ignorance towards the Light and, as he went, organise his existence according to these steps. For at present the grades of consciousness between mind and supermind act only as influences (the highest of them very indirect influences) on human mind and consciousness and cannot do more. This would change. An organised higher human consciousness could appear or several degrees of it, with the supermind-organised consciousness as the leader at the top influencing the others and drwing them towards itself. It is likely that as the supramental principle evolved itself the evolution would more and more take on another aspect — the Daivic nature would predominate, the Asuro-Rakshaso-Pishachic prakriti which now holds so large a place would more and more recede and lose its power. A principle of greater unity, harmony and light would emerge everywhere. It is not that the creation in the Ignorance would be altogether abolished, but it would begin to lose much of its elements of pain and falsehood and would e more a progression from lesser to higher Truth, from a lesser to a higher harmony, from a lesser to a higher Light, than the reign of chaos and struggle, of darkness and error that we now perceive.” Sri Aurobindo, Integral瑜伽:Sri Aurobindo的教学和实践的方法,Supramental演化,页69 - 75

