你可以用一次性杯子盛任何种类的热饮。一次性杯子可以用来盛任何热饮,如卡布奇诺,拿铁或卡布奇诺。你必须确保你有足够的东西来满足顾客的需求,并最大限度地提高你的外卖销售额。双壁和波纹纸咖啡杯提供极好的绝缘性能。它们更稳定,更容易握着。外卖咖啡杯的盖子可以控制热量,防止咖啡溢出。许多一次性杯子可以堆肥,这是一种可持续的方式来制作外卖咖啡。这些是一些可以用一次性杯子制作的冷热饮料。你的杯子选择会影响你公司的形象、你的道德可持续性和你的毛利。有很多选择,但我们选择的是可持续的和环保的。尺寸指南:在选择一次性杯子时,最困难的决定是尺寸和尺寸范围。 You can choose the size and type of drink, as well as the price range and profit margins. Here is a table that lists the most common sizes of disposable cups in different markets. 4oz - 118ml - Espresso Shot 8oz - 227ml - Regular Coffee Regular soft drinks and 355ml medium coffee 8oz - 473ml - Large Coffee - Medium Soft Drink Soft Drink 20oz - 591ml Soft Drink Extra Large, 24oz (710ml) 32oz - 946ml - Supersize Soft Drink Eco-Friendly Disposable Cups Materials New disposable cups materials are being created as the world becomes more aware of the importance sustainability. Here's a list of some of the most used terms by manufacturers. The most environmentally-friendly option is the one with the lowest environmental impact while still offering sustainability features. Biodegradable: Microorganisms such as yeast, bacteria, or fungi can naturally break down biodegradable cups. These cups can then be absorbed into the environment. These cups are made of natural materials. These cups are often considered the most environmentally-friendly and greenest. It can also be easily composted. These cups can be placed in compost containers. These cups will not release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere and decompose just as quickly as paper. These cups are made of man-made materials and don't have biodegradable properties. Degradable: Degradable cups can't be broken down naturally but they can be converted into non-harmful substances through chemical reaction干预.分解产生水、二氧化碳和生物量。消费者使用后回收材料:简单地说,就是将丢弃的材料进行再利用。这是一种已经过时的产品,可以回收利用来制造新产品。虽然许多“标准杯子”可以用回收材料制成,但并不是所有的都是。可回收:回收正变得越来越流行,但几乎所有的物品仍然可以回收。这完全取决于商品的价格。政府让各大咖啡公司有责任提高回收率。不同类型和风格的杯子:选择盛饮料的杯子也很重要。单壁冷饮杯——这种杯子的杯壁最薄,主要用来装冷饮。 Single-Walled HOT This is the best way heat hot beverages. The thicker material helps keep liquids cool while keeping hands cool. Double-Walled HOT- This insulation layer is used to keep hot drinks iced and cold hands at bay. This insulation layer is created by joining two thin walls. Insulated pocket made of air - This premium cup features air pockets sealed and covered with a corrugated sheet for insulation.

