我的强项是玄学,在这方面我有博士学位。我非常参与生活教练,灌注健身。我更喜欢叫它生活指南。我的专业是心理科学和身体健康。我们是肉体中的精神存在。一切是属灵的,一切是一。我们对生活和生活的追求通常是错误的,因为它们源于机械。我们的行动必须来自精神的源泉。我们不断地被基于肤浅生活层面的信息轰炸。我们相信,如果我们拥有或做的是公共知识…我们会适应并快乐的。 This is information that is giving to us by the media, authoritys, religion, government, parents and others. They tell us that if we (buy) into this...we will be happy. That's not the right source of information. Just look of what These sources are doing to our World. The evidence, is everywere and all around us. We are failing miserably by continuing on this course. The blue print you are using for your Life is not your own! Our true source can only be found within. Having the courage to go beyond and to constantly be curious that... there is more than we can touch or see. This physical awareness is only one very small plane of reality. Dare ask Life ( SUPRISE ME). And dare to say and mean it . Before birth, I am* After death, I am * I always am. *** For more, and for guidance or to share...go to:www.spiritualsite.com或者通过我的专家页面给我写信,这里。或直接给我;Antonio Almeida博士,Alton Road 1521号,Suite#617,佛罗里达州迈阿密海滩,33139或直接联系,请发邮件给我:almeida1h@aol.com