Kim Leang Eap博士是一名自然疗法医生,也是一名风水师,在夏洛特地区执业超过14年。她有不同的文化、教育和技术背景,并研究了不同的诊断方法来帮助她治疗病人。Eap博士在柬埔寨出生和长大,她和家人从“杀戮场”逃到越南,在那里她师从一名佛教僧侣,学习东方哲学和医学。后来她成为了逃离越南的船民之一。在马来西亚难民营,Eap博士继续接受东方治疗艺术的培训,并成为针灸学徒。1980年,她在美国定居。1984年以优等成绩毕业并获得化学工程学士学位后,Eap博士曾担任工厂经理和计算机顾问。为了成为一名医生,她于1988年回到学校学习自然疗法医学,并于1993年从俄勒冈州波特兰市的国家自然疗法医学院获得自然疗法医学博士学位。1995年,她在夏洛特开始了自然疗法的实践。一些病人病情的复杂性使她认识到环境对身体的影响,并最终开始研究风水。在过去的13年里,她一直在国际知名大师叶成海大师、林允教授和林俊英博士的指导下训练。 She practices several Feng Shui systems such as the Black Hat School, Compass School, Flying Stars School and Qi-Mag School. In the last few years, she extends her Feng Shui knowledge to also include the study of Geopathic Stress and gets trained in the Celtic Art of Geomancy. Her training and practice brought her to several countries including Cambodia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, India, Italy, Malaysia, Marrocco, Mexico, Switzerland, Vietnam and of course within the United States . She also conducts her own seminars in Charlotte, North Carolina and in Mexico.Integrating Eastern and Western culture and blending ancient wisdom with modern knowledge, Dr. Eap is deeply committed to sharing ways to optimize our potential in life. She recognizes the importance of inner thoughts, attitudes and emotions as well as the influence of environmental forces in our life, well-being and happiness. Her philosophy is to治病救人,不治病.目标是“帮助人们成为最好的自己,Eap医生作为她的病人和客户的生活教练,改善他们的健康和生活。在过去的几年里,Eap博士已经把她的治疗实践和她的风水咨询世界各地,同时保留她的实践在夏洛特,北卡罗莱纳。