你相信上帝吗?上帝从哪里来?灵魂给了我们生命吗?灵魂从哪里来?虽然肉体死了,灵魂还活着吗?灵魂是由什么组成的?上帝是由什么组成的?天堂在哪里?我们身体里的灵魂能和精神世界里的灵魂交流吗?灵媒如何与死者沟通? What is telepathic communication? What is reincarnation? What is channeling? How did Einstein define energy? What is the relationship of God's Energy to Einstein's energy? How fast does God travel? How fast does the soul travel? Is God and our souls independent of time and space? How does Einstein explain time-space in the fourth dimension? How can you explain God being responsible for both Creation and Evolution? Can science explain miracles? Can miracles explain science? Can God explain both science and miracles? How can God be the Creator of all things through energy? Does God have secrets? When will His secrets be revealed? Is God judging us for our moral decisions? Is there an afterlife? What is the Messianic Age? How do we enter it? What are our good and evil inclinations? Is the Devil alive? Does the Devil control our evil inclination? How does following the Ten Commandments help us? What happens if we don't live a moral life? What happens if we are evil? What about our past lives? How can we find out about our past lives? Are we our past lives? Does the soul have a genealogy like our family tree or our DNA family tree? How can one believe in science and still believe in God? How does one acquire spirituality? Is the soul a mini brain? What function does the soul carry out independently of the human brain? Where do the soul and human brain work in concert or independently? What is the Third Temple? Who is the Messiah? What is Resurrection? When will Resurrection happen?