有的时候我只是讨厌的思想去认识新朋友的赞助。我想“如何卑鄙,欺骗一个可以去扩展你的手为了吸引他们到你的传销陷阱”这是一个我认为是狡猾的,狡猾的。仔细想想,我没有真正的与他们联系,我在那里得到他们的联系信息,希望添加一条腿(传销术语赞助某人新买的),如果没有工作,我只是忘了那个人,打猎别人喜欢他/她。如何建立关系?乐动网经过3年的做同样的事情,没有进展速度比你可以说“走”。我开始讨厌网络营销。我需要一些事情来责怪,我成为其中的一个人我不喜欢听。那些抱怨的人,抱怨,因为他们一些传销骗局的受害者。他们抱怨传销不工作,所有传销有宰你,因为根据他们的经验他们花了无数的金钱在系统和业务费用——因为这是他们的上线告诉他们做什么。是的,那是我,自我厌恶、自我纵容和没有充分的理由。 One day - after many months of introspection and listening to Abraham-hicks, Jane Roberts and other wonderfully enlightened people - I rolled out of bed and went over to the bathroom to clean my face. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was admiring my beauty (yeah, yeah... I know ;-) ) when I realized I was staring straight in the eyes of the devil. it hit me, like a ton of bricks, that my attitude and integrity were the ones to blame for my failure in any business!
“噢,我的上帝!我怎么能错过它呢?”I thought. All my life I knew about the Law of Attraction and how that played an integral part of our lives but I never connected the dots. the Law of Attraction simply says that your dominant thoughts are beacons that attract like energy. So, I mentally traveled back in time and discovered that my dominant (voluntary or not) thought processes were "negative" or at least holding me back in some way. Thoughts like:
“你!”I yelled at the top of my lounges. "I can't believe it! and here I was thinking you were intentionally creating your reality!" The face behind the mirror seemed to mimic what I was saying. It was no use, the damage was done. I had listened to other "traditional MLM leaders" instead of my own intuition and experience. Even though I have a background in marketing, I never thought to implement my knowledge in this type of business because after all, MLM is an unconventional form of business. Or so, I've been told..
由于我的顿悟,我专门为非传统消费一切营销和传统业务。我读书写的大师如安胜利,迈克·迪拉德蕨类的Ceballos,丹•肯尼迪国王,比尔格雷泽,泰德尼古拉斯,罗伯特•清崎Galper Ari,查尔斯•Heflin雷蒙德•方克劳德·霍普金斯,杰伊·康拉德,安迪真的出类拔萃和许多其他人。