Patrick C. Veroneau,理学学士,生命潜能实践者,iPEC教练。认证Genos情商评估和工作坊。帕特里克拥有超过15年的成功销售生涯。在那段时间里,他也是一个对个人发展充满热情的学生。很多时候很优秀,有时很挣扎,但总是在努力提高。他拥有多种销售背景,包括税收和工资行业、商业房地产市场以及制药和生物技术行业。正是在这些市场中,他培养出了一套强大的技能:建立融洽关系、建立信任、利用正直的影响力、指导、指导和公开演讲。在他的众多职位上,他一直表现出色,赢得了许多地区和国家的销售和服务奖项。在他的销售生涯中,他一直致力于改进销售过程的主动性工作。他看到了在销售培训和销售管理培训中都有改进系统的机会。实现你的顶点是一家销售咨询、培训和教练公司,致力于帮助公司和个人“超越你的最好”。作为一个学习个人发展20多年的学生,帕特里克还从拿破仑·希尔、戴尔·卡内基和厄尔·南丁格尔等先驱那里获得了大量的训练和知识。 He received formal training as a Core Energy Coach and is certified as a Genos Emotional Intelligence assessor and workshop facilitator. His belief has always been that by embracing and learning from our past, we grow the most. He has always had a great passion for helping others to tap into the strength and wisdom that is in each of us. “Once people are aware of how much power they have over their circumstances, and are aware of the tool at their disposal, they begin to take control.” They become empowered to, “Rise Above Your Best”His innovative and interactive training and coaching practices help both individuals and companies close the gap between their goals and their achievements!