之前会议的创始人治疗Tao, Mantak Chia大师,1981年,Raven是一个训练有素的演员,歌手,舞者的芭蕾舞和爵士,他表现的男性伴侣共有十二年,(从68 - 80年),做专业acrobatic-adagio舞蹈在无线电城音乐厅,全球和其他剧院、夜总会和赌场。乌鸦继续在演艺圈独奏查理·卓别林舞蹈行为,利用她的天赋弯曲柔术演员面前,作为一个公司活动使用技能,包括mime艺人,插科打诨,扭曲,明星模仿和通灵阅读的手掌,直到2000年退休。Mantak Chia认证乌鸦在他的第一节课老师学员在1983年。现在她认证在9个愈合/通用道课程的水平。她对太极拳的理解加深了,杨长形式的研究,杨快速形成,刘他英航Fa,手推,卦象栓和其他气功风格与魏Lun黄大师,1991年开始。乌鸦也参加了中国1994年研讨会的味道,“96年,”98年,' 00。在每个夏天研讨会,十几个优秀教师展示风格的太极和其他气功形式互动参与。1994年乌鸦Dance-Contortion例程执行中国音乐在友谊演示主黄的特殊要求。1997年,乌鸦加入作为专业在全国气功/气功协会,在1998年,提出了作为一个专家介绍女性报导共分四个部分,在气功。她是一个演讲者在2005年和2008年。 In 1999, she became a founding member of the Women’s Qigong Alliance. Also, Raven is an organizer of local teachers who participate in the Annual World Tai Chi/Qigong day in Broward County Park locations. Additional points of interest include having had her own cable TV show in 1982 called极限拉伸在曼哈顿的有线她教她锻炼她创办的,后来被称为“解剖”。1991年,乌鸦被选为co-hostess有线电视节目在迈阿密新时代的愿景16岁,她采访了美国佛罗里达人对他们的自我成长的技术。乌鸦并已发表很多文章主题的整体治疗,大多数是关于她的研究治疗道。她正在写一本关于相同。许多演讲的愈合道一直在学习机构,组织,社区中心和企业功能。她自愿参加听众项目奥尔森中学从1993 - 01,通过心理健康协会。乐动体育赛事热评布劳沃德县。乌鸦是一种注定的成员普遍兄弟会和I.S.I.S.部门和收到的指令从科学思想,炼金术士和感谢很多其他老师。她参加了大学水平课程古德曼戏剧学院,在她的家乡芝加哥古德曼剧院和艺术课程。
乌鸦继续教学平均八大装腔作势的武术类周刊,加上冥想研讨会。她制作了一个视频的形式教她的学生的家庭练习其中包括她写歌和唱歌,题为“太极- - -学习方法是“…她写了一个C。11 D专辑歌曲关于自我的疗愈旅程。气,“使…歌曲激发和逗你!”她执行歌曲穿插气功(化成)指导企业和私人团体和游轮上一个增强的演讲者。
海滩上的教学通过Raven科汉对我来说很幸运当我基因和丈夫搬到好莱坞海滩,FL。在那之前,我在南佛罗里达超过五年,几乎到了海滩。我教过治疗道类主要是在室内,和在公园直到迁移少数例外。现在这是美妙的海滩只有150步我的门。似乎如此自然开始教学Tai装腔作势的武术类。它会在我们14 h在这个美丽的地方保护公园内,允许我没有开销的天堂,提供日常教导我的学生和我。每一天天空和海洋招待我们。学生和我都惊讶于完全不同的能量,每天都会被大自然的聚宝盆。的表情,生活中最好的东西都是免费的,我想当我描述它们。这里是一些例子,我们利用为了补充我们的气:5元素当然出来玩!岸边不断赠送我们一个惊喜的新鲜存款,把它从海洋深处。 (Some of the coral and shells are millions of years old.) Each day, the sun rises in an original choreography and the wind is so extremely crafty in sculpting the sand and sometimes pelting us with her gusts. It is true, that the hurricanes are here to teach us to not take anything for granted. (Of course, I do take class indoors when extreme conditions challenge the benefits, but we wear windbreakers up until I determine we are better off inside. We don’t give up too easily. All the more incentive it is to empower our chi fields by spiraling mind-eye forces around our Chi Belts!) The last example, but certainly not least is the ocean herself, who dresses in colors that vary enormously and textures which are smooth as silk to choppy, wavy and beyond. Such strong waves make me realize why the Healing Sound for water can be “Chhhhhuuuuuuiiiiiiiii”. I conduct my class facing north. We can look up the beach to quite some miles ahead. It’s not so difficult to visualize the east coast of our United States and the continuing coast up in Canada heading straight to the North Pole. With practice we can easily connect with the North Star and envision the Big Dipper whirling around that star. How much more easy it is to bring that powerful light into our Tai Chi poles and get centered through our training to deepen our roots into Mother Earth’s core. To our East is the Ocean herself and just a block away at our West we can feel the intra-coastal waterway with its everglades, that makes our area the barrier reef that it is. To our South we can energetically travel the coasts downwardly to South America. The South Pole and Southern Cross offer their powers to us with an openness that grows to be truly tangible despite how many thousands of miles away they are in actuality. Tuesday evenings when I conduct class at Sunset, the autumn and winter seasons last year of 2005/6, have offered us a star-filled vista. Due to the phenomenon of having views of Mars and Venus which are the largest we have seen in a while or will be privileged to see for only one more time in most of our life times, it seems really easier to hook up with their energies. The proximity of the planets have offered us this illusion and it has been truly quite a show. Doing our meditations and various gongs that help us to root, align and connect with more vital forces, seem to me to be more easily felt than when enclosed in a community center room such as that where I taught for ten years in the evening. I unconsciously knew I was receiving a more stilted energy by teaching indoors, yet it took me to last January ‘05 to finally quit the Center for all my classes. Now I teach only one indoor class in a kung fu dojo. There are many who believe it is safer to teach indoors and I say more power to those that either have no choice or prefer the protection. My challenge is to bring my newer students my experience that will energetically transmit in helping them to bolster their Chi fields so the colder winds don’t enter. I feel thankful to have easy access to our greatest Power Spot in all of South Florida. We have no grand mountains. In fact we have no mountains at all. Upstate in Florida there exist some forests. Our skimpy forests here in south Florida, however, are mostly sea-grape trees, which rarely grow much beyond one-story in height. We have some beautiful parks with or without lakes that envy any other of the world’s towns and cities. However, I have a slogan etched into a rock that was sent as a gift from my step-daughter. It says, “If you’re Lucky Enough to be at the Beach you are Lucky Enough”…. And I gratefully say, YES to that!!!
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