Hairfield博士具有有趣而有趣的背景。在一个非常正常的环境中长大后,他决定在一个陷入困境的时代为自己的国家服务。他的职责和专业知识将他带到了越南。在那里的任何人都可以告诉您,这不是一个愉快的经历。他寻求和平的答案和更高的理解力指导了他在南越南昆·恩吉(Quang Ngai)的禅宗佛教寺院的墙壁上的脚步,他将尽可能避难和学习。他的自然好奇心与非常敏锐的直觉感融为一体,使他得出了更深入的生活问题和自我的目的。僧侣们开始坚持认为他应该了解伊萨。然后,他得知伊萨实际上是耶稣。后来,他得知伊萨(Issa),耶稣(Issa)在今天被称为印度,巴基斯坦,拉达克,尼泊尔和西藏的人花了很多时间,然后返回中东执行他的任务。这确实启发了他个人寻找知识和对以某种方式重现圣经中未提及的师父18年的热情。 He had set a goal that would intrigue and shock him later, but first, he had to understand what made the human mind work in the fashion that it does. Upon his return to the United States he studied for and received a B.A. in Psychology. Then pushed by his dream for Universal Truth, he traveled to India following an inner urge which led him to his greatest teachers and lessons, Tibetan Masters. They guided him through India, Nepal, and twice into Tibet, they smuggled him into the later as it was Red Chinese with closed borders at the time. While in this part of the world he adapted to the life of a monk, and for many years he continued his research in the Far East and the path of Jesus while proving to himself that indeed He had been there studying. While there Dr. Hairfield honed the talents Spirit had given him learning many healing techniques and became a Reiki Master and the techniques of focusing energy for higher purpose he now teaches these techniques to his students and audiences throughout the world.
当他与东方老师合作后再次回到家时,他想了解信仰体系,研究所有人的最大信仰体系,并获得了宗教和神学的硕士学位,在此过程中对形而上学领域变得非常感兴趣和着迷。他知道自己已经了解到的是,宗教和圣经的想法中还有另一个信息。因此,几年后,他回到书本上,并获得了形而上学博士学位。通过他与禅宗和藏族僧侣,伊沙亚和尚以及克里和黑脚本地传统的多年研究,这个真正的美国和尚提供了一种无与伦比的方法来理解我们如何影响我们自己的生活中的道路以及我们为什么经历我们的工作。在他的演讲,研讨会,T.V.和广播露面中,他喜欢分享他独特的哲学融合,以帮助他人实现其精神目标。他唯一的愿望是所有人都能找到意识。2000年,他受到启发,通过一本书将自己的知识和经验传达给世界。它现在是第二次印刷品,标题为“曾经的寓言 - 进入人生之旅”。Hairfield博士将他对人类的热爱倾注到了这项明确的工作中。他完成了他的第二幅作品,称为:“回到无罪 - 来自古代人的信息”,这是一种精神指南,讲述了一种更好的生活方式,以及原始信息如何从宇宙的原始意图转变为外部物理现实。 There are two books written about him entitled Interview with an American Monk I & II. He has recently released his best work of all “A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Bible”. This book answers the mysteries of the Bible and the Master Himself. It is based on 37 years of thorough research that led him all over the world. A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Bible is based on historical and metaphysical fact which includes the missing books that were not originally included in the Bible. It is a journey of Mastership, Empowerment while achieving an inner Divine nature. He has also recently been selected by the Edgar Cayce Foundation through the Association of Research and Enlightenment as one of their few intuitive’s which are the most tested intuitive’s in the world and it is an honor to serve using this field to change people’s lives.