瓦莱丽是一个阿卡西记录读者/直观的治疗师。她一直练习灵气近20年,增加了蜕变,ThetaHealing能源工作在过去的十年。瓦莱丽已经在阿卡西记录工作3年以上。“阿卡莎”是梵文,意为“主要物质,这一切都是成立的。”The Records contain the record of your soul's existence; you can think of it like a library where all of the books are about you. Work done in the Records offers powerful soul level healing, and enables us to have a more conscious relationship with our own soul.
瓦莱丽是一个阿卡西记录读者/直观的治疗师。她一直练习灵气近20年,增加了蜕变,ThetaHealing能源工作在过去的十年。瓦莱丽已经在阿卡西记录工作3年以上。“阿卡莎”是梵文,意为“主要物质,这一切都是成立的。”The Records contain the record of your soul's existence; you can think of it like a library where all of the books are about you. Work done in the Records offers powerful soul level healing, and enables us to have a more conscious relationship with our own soul. She is guided by her intuition as she opens your Akashic Records and begins a dialog with you and your high self/soul. Questions are answered while healing takes place at the physical, emotional and mental levels. More information about Valerie and her work can be found at:http://thefigleaf.net瓦莱丽观众谈到促进个人健康,健康,替代治疗方法和扩大意识。她还拥有讲习班和研讨会集中在有意识的生活。她喜欢写关于能量治疗,以及它如何帮助我们帮助自己。瓦莱丽是一个研究和启蒙,协会成员,目前看到客户中康复中心,艺术与社区(http://shalacenter.com在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔的)和通过电话。她是2015年3月成为认证是一个催眠师真实的人真正的食物:有机、合成免费补充:http://vsargent1.mytouchstoneessentials.com/store/