

妈妈回答:“首先,你必须想要它。…然后你必须努力,必须坚持下去,继续努力。我刚刚告诉过你是一个很好的手段。然而,也有其他人。你静静地坐着,开始;而不是思考五十的事情,你开始对自己说,‘和平、和平、和平、和平、和平、平静、和平!你的想象和平与平静。你向往,它可能会问:“和平、和平、平静。”然后,当出现,触动你和行为,悄悄地说,像这样,”和平、和平、和平。“不看看的想法,不听的想法,你明白。你不能注意到的一切。你知道,当有人大量让你烦恼,你想摆脱他,你不听他的,对吗?好!你把你的头(手势),想想别的事。你必须做到:思想来的时候,你不能看,不能听,不能支付任何注意,你必须表现得好像他们不存在,你看!然后,重复的像一种——我该怎么说呢?像个白痴一样,总是重复着同样的事情。嗯,你必须做同样的事; you must repeat, ‘Peace, peace, peace.’ So you try this for a few minutes and then do what you have to do; and then, another time, you begin again; sit down again and then try. Do this on getting up in the morning, do this in the evening when going to bed. You can do this… look, if you want to digest your food properly, you can do this for a few minutes before eating. You can’t imagine how much this helps your digestion! Before beginning to eat you sit quietly for a while and say, ‘Peace, peace, peace!’ and everything becomes calm. It seems as though all the noises were going far, far, far away (Mother stretches out her arms on both sides) and then you must continue; and there comes a time when you no longer need to sit down, and no matter what you are doing, no matter what you are saying, it is always ‘Peace, peace, peace.’ Everything remains here, like this, it does not enter (gesture in front of the forehead), it remains like this. And then one is always in a perfect peace… after some years.”


斯里兰卡Aurobindo和母亲,生活在:瑜伽心理健康和发展方法,练习增长和掌握,建立和平的思想,161 - 162页

