
让我们谈谈编程。我将给你一个例子。我有一个朋友,编程是这样的。他作为一个孩子长大,晚饭后,全家人会到客厅里去,看电视和吃饼干或蛋糕与咖啡和牛奶。这是一个每天晚上的事情。发生了什么结果,这个人成为饼干怪兽我深深地在叫他。他不得不在晚上饼干和牛奶。他炸毁了惊人的350磅。5“6”的高度和遭受癌症结果他意识到这不是一件好事。他让我快乐,有击败他的癌症,现在体重在210磅。 One of the things that took place was this, I did a procedure on his with N.L.P to remove the programming and stop the上瘾晚上,更重要的是饼干的饼干和糖果。这不是他唯一的问题,他是一个人压力。这是如何处理压力。他吃了,他想。渴望糖果和压力之间的吃他开始摧毁他的身体。幸存的癌症后,他不得不做出改变的生活选择。继续吃他吃或做一些生活方式的变化。后来他选择了谢天谢地。他开始看他的饮食和开始一个军团,这是他开始锻炼减肥。他一直勤于继续这种模式现在比以往任何时候都感觉更好。 The moral of this story is there is harm in weight gain, things can be changed for the better and there is always hope. We only fail if we stop trying. All of the components that are a contributing factor to weight issues. smoking issues and more can be rectified if we just have the tools. If you have not researched hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming and emotional freedom technique please do so. You may be astounded at what you find and the results that can be had. One thing I would like to share before I end this article is just this. Repetition is programming. If we do things continually the subconscious is programmed to believe this the reality and so it makes it reality. There is an old saying we are what we think. So true. If you doubt this take a while and really evaluate what you do on a daily basis, the life choices you make and think where did that come from. You may have a life altering perception. The good news is this. We can change and negative thinking,行为在你的生活和选择我们可能积累了。如果你正在尝试块,自我破坏,或其他任何困难在你的生活中。做你的研究。


