我承认!我累了。我痛。我发现肌肉我不知道,我的不知道会伤害!事情是这样的:多年来,我一直是一个跑步者。我喜欢在树林里,季节变化,与我的黄色的实验室和运行,阳光明媚。我们有一个爆炸!但是,冬天。这是寒冷的,但更糟的是,它是湿的,很湿!它从不呆足够冷冻结地面。 And it seemed that on every running day, it rained. Well, as much as I love running, I am not so fond of bathing my 110 pound dog. . . and he is not so fond of being bathed! End result? I kept putting off another run. . . until suddenly a few months had passed and I had not hit the trails. The end result for me? I got out of shape. So, fast-forward to last week. I decided enough was enough, and I started exercising again. I got a plan, and I started on it. I knew there would be a price. . . pain and discomfort. Sure enough, the next morning after day one, I was a bit sore. By that night, I hurt! exercise But guess what I did on day 2? I exercised. Day 3? New muscle pain. I exercised. Day 4, I had to get up an hour earlier to get in my exercise, but I did. Same thing on day 5, 6, and 7. In fact, that is my intention. To get up an hour earlier, if necessary, and get in my exercise time. I have to admit -- when the alarm goes off, I have to argue with myself. The bed is warm, the house is quiet, and I could easily grab another hour of sleep. . . but I don't. Because I made a commitment to myself, and I intend on keeping it. As my wife reminds me, "consult your plan, not your feelings." So. . . what, you might wonder, does this have to do with your marriage (and saving it)? Most people who come to me have not taken the best care of their marriage relationship. Perhaps life got in the way -- or fear, or焦虑,或愤怒,或只是没有意识到你需要。婚姻有“松弛”,变形,呆板,和虚弱。听起来是不是很熟悉?所以,你决定,婚姻。你猜怎么着?这不会是容易。你会感觉疼痛的地方你不知道你。你会发现关于你自己,你的配偶,和你的关系,你永远不知道。哦,我是说,经过一个星期的锻炼,我没有在峰值形状?我知道,我看着镜子中的自己! Frustrating as it may be, once you get out of shape, it takes both effort and time (in fact, sustained effort over time) to get to where you want to be). Same is true for your relationship. It takes time and effort. It means refusing to get discouraged. It requires you to make a plan, then stick with it, regardless of how you are feeling! Remember, "consult your plan, not your feelings." When it doesn't feel like you are making headway. When another obstacle gets in your way. When you just can't quite get there. That is when you dig in, keep getting up, and keep moving forward. So, to quickly recap: 1) This ain't easy work. 2) But make a plan. 3) Stick with it: "Consult your plan, not your feelings." 4) Reap the benefits. Now, a reality check: sometimes, people get so out of shape -- let their bodies get to such a point of disrepair -- that exercise can be deadly. Unfortunately, that is sometimes true in a marriage. Sometimes, the relationship has deteriorated too far. The damage is too great. The marriage might finally heave a final breath. The marriage might end. Problem is, you can never tell whether this is the case or not. Some people who look like they are on the verge of死亡开始锻炼,回到生活。这同样适用于婚姻。你怎么看出来的?试着让你的关系。最坏的事情就是你照照镜子,说“我做我最好的。”But the best thing that could happen? You could save your婚姻!

