博士Pradnya Ajinkya
如果她妈妈不允许她积极主动为她然后她会感到内疚的尝试独立。她也可能在行业与自卑的阶段。这意味着她应该意识到作业和家务等责任。她应该能够创建一种行业,由她的父母如果赞扬和奖励。如果不是,那么她会自卑。她也会受到同学和老师。然而,这仅仅是如何,但不是Sanjukta。缺乏主动性不是问题。Sanjukta被迫承担太多的计划,让自己太多的决定。她觉得没有内疚独立但根据埃里克森,应该自卑由于缺少父母的表扬和奖励,而不是受到不切实际的标准。 According to Jean Piaget, and his stages of cognitive development, little minds construct their knowledge of the world through reorganization and they move to higher levels of psychological functioning. Piaget looked at how kids think of themselves and their environment, when moving through each stage. In these stages, children select what they see and they interpret. In the preoperational stage, ranging from ages 2-7, children should have a mastery of language and use words to represent objects. In this stage, children cannot use developmental capacities systematically. They are quite egocentric, having the tendency to interpret the world through your own position. They attribute their own thoughts to inanimate objects, known as animism. For example, a child may say that the sky is sad because the sun is not shining. They have no sense of concentration, a tendency to concentrate on one aspect of a problem, like having tunnel vision. These are called conservation studies, which are a series of tests for children to test their concepts of length, quantity, area, and volume. For example, if you were to place two glasses in front of a child, one tall and thin, the other short and stout, filled with the same amount of liquid in each, he will think the tall one contains more liquid because the glass looks full.
在故事中,Sanjukta的前运算阶段皮亚杰的认知发展阶段。Sanjukta可能不是搬到一个更高层次的心理功能。她似乎很难社交。她在学校里没有朋友,经常和她打架。我觉得她是不稳定的,在情感上和心理上。当处理米德的理论的发展,他说,我们通过两个阶段的学习。这两个阶段的阶段,游戏阶段。在剧本阶段,通常婴儿到4岁,我们模仿他人的行为,似乎没有规则。游戏阶段,通常通过十二5岁,孩子玩游戏喜欢躲起来,去找,标签,和有很多集团参与同行。规章制度是重要的在这个阶段。 According to Mead, in order to take on the role of another you need to know the rules to play. This leads to taking on the role of the generalized other, which means children know general morals, values, and rules of his or her particular culture. In the story, Sanjukta seems to have been left in the play stage, when according to Mead, should, be in the game stage due to her age. She does not seem to have any rules to abide by which is part of the description of the play stage. If Sanjukta was in the game stage, she would be playing games like hide and go seek, instead of torturing friends. Another part of Mead's theory was that in the play stage we imitate others行为。Sanjukta受到威胁,所以我觉得这就是暴力行为在学校和朋友。阿尔伯特和他的观察学习理论与戏剧舞台。它指出,儿童通过模仿他人学习。他研究电视暴力对儿童的影响。他组的儿童和暴露其中一半暴力电视,而其他人则看普通电视电台。然后他观察到他们一起玩耍,发现更多的攻击性的孩子被暴露在暴力节目。社会化是人类终身过程人民学习他们的潜力,他们的社会文化。文化包含价值观、语言、社会的规范、规则和信仰。有很多代理解释人类行为的社会化。文化学习在婴儿和儿童早期是最强烈的。Sanjukta可能是被忽视的许多经验,教她这方面的知识。如果在早期社会化不在,我们永远无法恢复它,这提出了一个缺乏社会经验。这关系影响孩子在她的童年。这是Sanjukta明显的情况下,通过她的行为在学校。我们再次看到她的朋友不断的战斗和缺乏是由于她缺乏社交技能。一些社会化的结果。跟踪在学校的目的是,在儿童不同的技能水平是分开的,这样聪明的孩子不会受到的越慢。Sanjukta是一个麻烦的孩子。之前的实际打孩子,有几个警告迹象表明她可能提前和提交的暴力行为。 A warning sign was her constant acts of violence in school, fighting with peers and even hitting a mother on one occasion. The other sign was that Sanjukta mostly enjoyed watching action movies, and cartoons, where violence was displayed regularly. There are also many risk factors that made it more likely that Sanjukta would grow up showing violent behavior. She grew up as an Indian living in an over protected environment where educational and emotional and social stimulation was stunted and she was exposed to unrealistic parent child relationship and standards. She was growing up without the presence of a father figure, may have attributed to frustration, which in turn could lead to anger and aggressive behavior. Also, lack of socialization leads to deviant behavior and juvenile delinquency. Her surrounding is still responsible for much of her behavior. I strongly feel that she should not be returned to unrealistic standards at her home. I think that she would have a good chance of becoming a more social person and have the possibility of leading a normal, healthy life.
博士Pradnya Ajinkya