搅拌机的主要投资/榨汁机可以是一个重要的一个。虽然它很贵,榨汁可以成为日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。哪一个对你最合适?哪个更好,榨汁机或搅拌机?有两个选择。有两个选项。这些都是重要的问题你应该问之前购买。找到合适的商用榨汁机现在比以往更容易只有五个问题。问题1:你想让果汁或果汁吗?这是一个重要的问题,因为它将帮助你决定你是否想要一个榨汁机或搅拌机。 A blender makes smoothies and a juicer juices. Each one has its own advantages. Smoothies can be used to replace meals or increase fiber intake. You can use a blender to make soups and salsas sauces as well as soups.https://onestopwholesaler.com/commercial-food-processors/blenders-mixers..。商业搅拌机、榨汁机是一个很好的选择对于那些难以消化新鲜的蔬菜汁。立即被血液吸收的营养。这是一个很好的选择对于那些想排毒不使用药物。第二个问题——你使用它每天认真的烹饪吗?这将允许您选择榨汁机的功率。榨汁机和2和3之间的马力是最好的如果你打算用它来日常任务。第三个问题——什么样的烹饪可以让我的榨汁机处理吗?有许多类型的搅拌机,榨汁机。有许多类型的榨汁机和搅拌机。每一个可用于不同的目的。在你开始寻找一个榨汁机需要考虑蔬菜或水果的类型你会使用它。一大口咀嚼榨汁机是一个很好的选择,如果你打算像麦草汁很多蔬菜。离心式榨汁机是更好的如果你喜欢蔬菜和水果,如胡萝卜。有许多特性,搅拌机时能够带来的餐饮设备。实际上不如大多数人认为“种类”。至关重要的是可以混合干燥和潮湿的原料。 Speed fluctuation is another important aspect. There are ten speed settings on Blendtec juicers. Vitamix juicers have a speed dial that allows you to adjust power. Commercial blenders will need more flexibility. 4: How big should my kitchen be. Although it may seem odd to place a juicer above a refrigerator, it is something you should think about. There are many types of juicers. Q5: How much can you afford? This is an essential part of any purchase decision. This is the most important part of any purchase decision. Conclusion These are the five questions you should ask before buying a commercial juicer. These questions will help you make the right choice when choosing the right equipment. No matter what choice you make, be happy with your new juicer/blender. Don't be afraid to try new食谱。与其他成分混合汁可以很有趣,对你的健康有益。玩得开心榨汁!

