你曾经坐在你的办公桌埋在纸上,说,“好的!今天的一天,我要清理这个烂摊子?”You pick up the first piece of paper - and immediately think of any number of reasons why now is not a good time to deal with this particular piece of paper. You pick up the second ... 视图:5
当我查看我的当地杂货店店员问道:“你找到一切吗?”Frequently, I reply (and I'm sure the clerks hear this often): "I did. More than I came for!" I have to admit that I have become a big fan of online shopping, and one of the primary reasons is that I find what ... 视图:18
领导首先最近发布报价LinkedIn,归因于蒂姆·麦克卢尔:“当激情的员工变得安静,通常发送一个信号,工作环境已经变得很不正常。”The accompanying text chronicled the tale of a woman named Sarah, who, over time, ... 视图:35